Monday, March 23, 2009


Thanks to Jason, Shannon, Jason, Ashley, Amanda, Marc, Jason, and Kendra for helping Mike and I make the trip from Suite #301 to Suite #405
(it's not a spelling error there really were three Jason's!!)

On Sunday morning Mike and I woke up to a gleaming fresh white ton of snow that had freshly fallen all over Calgary. We were sure that it would keep everyone from coming to help us move. (That and the massive crane that was being put together in front of our building and blocking off 11th Avenue!)

Sure enough one by one our loyal and generous friends showed up willing and ready to help us move!! It really wasn't totally painful... by 5'o clock in the evening we had our apartment set up just enough to host our first dinner party with our lovely friends! Thanks again you guys!! You are AMAZING!

As soon as we have everything organized and looking pretty I will be posting pictures.


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