Monday, March 2, 2009

Ingrid Michaelson

Thanks to my friend Emily who introduced me to Ingrid Michaelson sometime about a year ago... I am SO happy that I came across her music. I have been listening to her non stop!

A snippet from her blog... this just shows how quirky she is. Her music sounds just like this:

"i just wrote a song. it is 2:11 am. i am very tired. pray pardon any typos. i don’t know where these words come from. i don’t know where the melodies come from. i think they are not from me sometimes, that they are ingredients in the stars, and bits break off and drift into my jar of nutella or my bowl of tomato bisque and i slurp it up unknowingly. and the sparkles float around in my tummy and infuse themselves into my bones and teeth and into my blood and my blood pumps it’s way up to my brain and my heart and my fingers and my throat and my tongue. and a song comes out. a star-dust-sparkle-song. they don’t keep coming from me. they can’t be. i am lucky. thank you stars. fatten me up. thank you sky. i am going to sleep. with a smile tonight."

This woman has a spectacular voice, and fun real lyrics in every song. She has a new CD out called "Be Ok." and I just love it! If you are looking for something fresh that will make you dance around cleaning your house this is the one!

Ingrid Michaelson "Be OK" (photo version)

Click here if you would like to check out more of her loveliness.


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