Tuesday, March 10, 2009


[Click on photo's if you want them to be HUGE!]

Our Friends Kendra and Jay just recently decided to bring home a new member to add to their family! His name is Martin. He is three years old, and was brought to the SPCA after being found in an apartment where his owner decided to leave him! I can't imagine how someone could make a decision like that.

I can assure you that Martin will be loved and maybe even spoiled a bit in his new home :) He is such a nice kitty. He managed to keep his "well rounded" figure even after being neglected and left without food! He is a big boy.
AND quite the model. Wherever the camera was, he was always looking into the lense and striking poses.

Wine and good conversation at Kendra and Jay's house. If you're wondering about the church we go to... this is sort of what it looks like. Pretty rad if you ask me!

Find yourself a furry friend to adopt at the Calgary Humane Society. I was shocked to see how many adorable pets there were waiting for a home!
Haha... this is Fluffy. He is a 3 year old Persian waiting for be adopted. Now THAT is a face that only a mother can love.


  1. yea!! That's so funny I saw that kitty on the calgary humane website and thought of you guys, he's got the funniest look. Love martin super cute, looks so happy now.

  2. im dying at how cute he is.
    martin.. not fluffy...


  3. Haha... Oh Em. Yah fluffy's a little ridiculous.

  4. We can totally be friends.

    And maybe when we're old we can be neighbours and be the crazy cat ladies who's cats run the ENTIRE block.


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