Thursday, September 3, 2009

An update filled with cute kitties.

I snapped this photo this morning while the boys were wresting...
I think EVERYONE needs to see just how cute and hilarious these guys are.

To those of you that read my blog, I'm sorry that it's been so boring lately!

If it weren't for the lovely "site meter" I would think that about four people read my blog but APPARENTLY there are about 30 of you that are checking in daily to see what's going on. Please feel free to COMMENT to let me know that you're here! It makes it alllll worth it.

So I think I owe you all a little UPDATE!!

I don't like to put up new blog posts when I don't have photos... so I snapped these this evening while the guys were sleepy and standing still(ish) for once. While I update I will show you random kitty photos of loveliness.

I woke Jack up for this photo...

Things are going well over here at the Kitchen household, Mike and I are currently on a bit of a health kick and we are hoping that it sticks! We were finding the stress of having our own business to be taking over our lives a little bit, and know that our non existent excercise routines and diet weren't helping the situation!

(Well we always knew that but we all know how hard it is to change routine!)

King of the washroom

The business has been going fantastically. We have had great clients all summer long and NO complaints! Yay!

We are quite happy with the progress that we've made, but the amount of weddings that we took on this summer with just the two of us running the business was a little much! We had a KILLER deal on wedding packages for summer 2009 and in turn find ourselves struggling with keeping up and can't afford to hire assistants to help us out with all of the editing/book designing/emailing, etc, etc. Yikes. I am looking forward to next summer so much! Our prices are a little more appropriate for the Calgary market now, and we look forward to a summer of loving our jobs without all of the stress!

I thought it was about time to take some kitty photos since the boys haven't existed in the world wide web for quite some time! I Hope Jack and Charlie brightened your day. They are WONDEFUL furry friends to have around.


  1. ok ok i will comment.. i do check in every so often! I understand the love of furry things, my doggie is snoring loudly beside me right now :) Glad to hear things are looking up for you guys, I'm very proud of you two and show lots of newly engaged folks in my area your site!

  2. pooooface i love dem kitties.
    come move to vic/the island next summer..
    i will pay you in love...and food.

  3. I check all the time! I love hearing updates from you!

    by the way -- a good exercise-- wall ping pong... don't forget the hidden spaces in your apartment complex.

    thinking about you, and missing you... hope to see you again when all the wedding madness is done!

    lots of love!

  4. Oh I am so in love with Jack and Charles-they are the sweetest! Kitty kitty meow, kitty kitty meow, kitty kitty meow meow meow....

  5. I will comment too, although this is the first time I checked your blog...haha, so count me as +1 to your 30 views per day.

    I'm one of the lucky ones who cashed in on KILLER wedding prices this summer. Thanks for the album you sent the other day Ashley :) We LOVE it! You guys are the best, and you better up the prices :) I feel like you guys were the best hidden gem found for our wedding.

    Take care!

    PS. cute kitties!

  6. Yay thanks for the comments ladies!

    I am SO happy to hear that you like the book Shannon! We had so much fun with you guys!!

  7. I love the kitties!! The wrestling pic is great!

  8. I just noticed that Jack is sticking his tongue out cause of the diet pepsi. We are on the same track...


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