Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good Bye Blonde...

It's fall and everything is changing around me.

The leaves are absolutely breathtaking, I just love taking photos at this time of year! The wooly sweaters and tall boots are coming out of the closet and Mike and I are starting to see the light of the long tunnel of editing.

As much as I dread the death cold winters here in Alberta, I do look forward to all of the changes that are happening. Did I mention that Mike and I went to an A.D.D specialist and Mike has been told that he is the absolute poster boy for A.D.H.D. We are totally excited because this means that he can simply take a pill and his life is changed. It's that easy. He can focus, and that is that.

Since taking Dexedrine to stimulate the parts of his mind that were tired, he has been a cleaning, baking MACHINE.

We went to the farmers market on Sunday and bought a full free range organic chicken and Mike learned how to carve it and get all of the best parts of meat ready for cooking. He then cooked us a beautiful chicken curry, and is working on a homemade chicken consomme for soup. He also slow cooked a bean chili for my lunches since I have been REALLY disliking red meats lately... and as we speak he is cleaning all of our cupboards and glasses so that we can send a bunch of our old dishes to the family centre we volunteer at downtown. I am THRILLED with the new Mike. He was always super fantastic, but now he also works really really hard. Love.

With all of the exciting and beautiful changes around me, I was craving a little change of my own. I have been blonde forEVER. Although it is indeed my natural color, it is getting a lot darker as I get older, and I'm just not too sure I want to keep up with dying it light.

I went into chatters to visit my friend Brittany Claus and She made me into a dark haired gal.

Here are some photos Mike snapped for me a few moments ago :)


  1. Ashley...LOVE the dark hair...LOOOOOVE the color of your shirt...and, wondering if every husband should get this lovely drug prescribed to them on their wedding day ;)

  2. Yay for Mikey! i'm so excited for him... this will mean a lot of changes.. but a lot of awesomeness... so good luck to mike for all that! We'll be praying for you!
    Ashley- I love you and your beautiful brown hair- but I must say I sure hope blonde makes its appearance again next summer! It does look really really good though!

    you both are wonderful beautiful people who I am so glad to be friends with... good luck through the last push of editing! you can do it!

    --- ps.. does this mean mikes video game obsession has ended? hehe...

  3. AAAAAAAAAH! I LOVE! I will dye my eyes blue and we will be twins! YOWZA your a hot one, both blonde AND brown! I love you!

  4. The brown hair is nice, but you truly are a beautiful blond. Enjoy your new hair. Love the blond though ... You are beautiful, either way..

  5. Love your new darker hair. It looks great!


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