Friday, July 17, 2009

S.A.B.C Photography

Photo by Esther

This past week Mike and I packed up the car and office yet again and drove down to Southern Alberta to teach kids about Photography!

In the spring Melissa asked us if we were available to come to Southern Alberta Bible Camp and we were excited when we realized that we didn't have any weddings during that week! Mike used to work at S.A.B.C before we met at Camp Qwanoes, so he has lots of fun memories of the camp. It was fun looking through old photo albums and seeing lots of our Calgary friends as youngen's at the camp!

Southern Alberta Bible Camp is situated right on Travers Resevoir and in the middle of desert land! Mike and I didn't get a chance to get out in the lake, but it was so pretty! The weather was hot and then rainy then hot and then... you get my point! When it rained it poured! The lightening storms were so awesome to watch.

There was a Juniors camp and a Senior High camp both running at the same time and we were in charge of teaching 12 Senior High students about photo's. They each brought their own camera's and we had about 4 hours a day with them every day! It was a ton of time, and we didn't ALWAYS stick to photography- we got in some great slappy slaps competition (Egyptian Rat tail) and showed off Mike's mind reading ability with some different card tricks.

We didn't have a lot to work with- many of the campers didn't even have manual modes on their point and shoots, but I was really proud of what each of the students seemed to learn! It shows just how awesome photo's can be when you compose them properly! We played with picnik (an online and FREE editing program) a little on the last day to spice up the photo's and here is how some of the favorites turned out!

Photo by Christine
I LOVE this one.

Photo by Caitlin

Photo by Amber

Photo by Megan

Photo by Lana
AND this one! Lana can I hang it on my wall?! ;) It's sort of horror-film esque!

Photo by Katie

Photo by Helen

Photo by Alyssa

Photo by Emma

Photo by Nick

(Some of the photo's aren't displayed because there are faces in them -and we don't have contracts/rights to show faces of minors from that particular week.)

For one of the sessions the group was given the task of posing the entire group and being responsible for lighting, posing and location! There was lots of room around the camp and here is what they came up with! Once they had it all figured out they would jump into the photo and I would click the button! I think they did quite well! Again... you'll have to imagine their beautiful faces/images! Haha... Oh how things have changed! The creativity was great. Kat came up with a shot where Amber was holding the entire group in her right hand. Or so it seemed...
I think that this was the funnest session.

Good work to all of our students! You all learned so much in such a short amount of time!!


  1. So cool! Too bad Qwanoes didn't have photos as an activity! That would have been awesome!

  2. wow the shots are great, and the idea is great. I'm glad you guys did it. When did camp get a gazebo? I feel soooo old looking at camp photos... hurts a little. ps this isn't Kev but I can't sign into my profile...

  3. Haha... I was excited that Kevin posted something on my blog! Lol... tell him he should ;)

    It's all new to me so I don't know when it arrived! Apparently the boat house were new too!

    @ Kim -I KNOW! We could have learned it all back at camp!! Would have been awesome


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