Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Canada!

The last few days have been FULL of editing photo's and learning new programs.  Mike and I have decided to test out RAW vs JPEG since many of our photographer friends have been saying the only way to shoot is in RAW! 

We were skeptical at first... it meant spending a lot more money on memory cards and hard drive space too!  As if our computers aren't already jam packed with stuff as it is?  Why don't we start making each individual file size 6 times bigger?  GAhh!  We've also been learning to use Adobe Lightroom instead of Aperture.  It's designed for photographer's so it seems like it'd make a bit more sense than using Aperture.  Kim's probably shaking her head at us right now going I TOLD YOU SO!!  Haha... YES!... yes you did.

 Yesterday was an AWESOME day... Canada's BIRTHDAY and the birth of Sonia Faye Dawn Blenkin!  I am SO excited to meet her.
I've felt the baby kick and squirm and now it is now a SHE and she is now an adorable little blenkin.  Awww... I hope everything went well for you Barbie!  

For Canada Day Mike and I had some friends over for a bbq! Some of our friends brought friends which I think should be the new BBQ standard! It was great meeting some new people!

 We were a little busy making blue cheese burgers, white chocolate covered strawberries,white chocolate brownies,homemade guacamole and salsa to snap photo's of the delish food but trust me when I say it was DELICIOUS!   

My sister and I still manage to show up wearing the same thing even though we rarely shop together OR live in the same building!  What can you do?  We both have brilliant minds ;)

Thanks to everyone for coming! Thanks especially to Shan and Jay for helping us mash hard avocado's and mush ground beef!  Haha... "Just pretend it's cookie dough Shannon!"  haha Eww... I hate touching raw meat too. 

I love fireworks!  It was rainy by the time the fireworks started so we didn't hang out on the roof for very long... or take the camera up for snapshots!  BUT fortunately for us we have a spectacular roof view of the stampede grounds as well so there will be many more opportunities for fireworks photos AND roof parties during the Calgary Stampede which is coming up VERY soon! 

1 comment:

  1. OOOh I wish I was there for some DELISH sounding food, I'm so hungry right now. The water was so brown what you could see of your legs looked like they were covered in rust, and you couldn't see anything else-pretty scary. People get creeped out by the ocean, it's nothing compared to the poo poo water. But thats my opinion-I love the ocean. And I haven't been to the neigbours pools but I went to my friends last week and it was sooooooo nice! Looks like you had a fun day yeasterday...and I love matchy Amanda and you! LOVE


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