Friday, July 24, 2009

Catch my Party!

Yesterday we got a phone call from a lovely lady named Jillian who wanted to feature our business on her website!  

We got talking, and it turns out her website is actually pretty awesome!  The website it called Catch My Party and it is a sweet little spot where people are free to post photos and details of their birthday parties, weddings, and other great events.

It goes beyond sharing and tagging photos on sites like facebook... it actually allows people to share their events with tons of friends or anyone browsing the site.  

Anyone can sign up to comment, browse or rate their favorite party favors, wedding dresses, etc, etc.  (a great idea for people wanting to get ideas for their own events!)

A great way to document your event, share it, and get some fun feedback too.  Who doesn't want to recall the memories of the big events in our lives!

Check out what she had to write about SNAP on her blog, and feel free to create your own party page too!  

Visit Catch My Party here


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