Monday, May 17, 2010


It has been FOREVER since I've posted, and I think it's because my blog lacks vision. Eventually I will be changing the banner and title, but I guess I'm still trying to figure out what I want this blog to be about. For now, I will continue posting photos that I want to share and you will just have to wait and see I suppose :)

It seems like there is never any time for the "personal blog" when I'm trying to maintain and keep up the posts on the SNAP blog. This summer is shaping up to be very busy, Mike and I have worked it out that we will be in Calgary for 64 days (and counting) this summer. We are going to be traveling a lot, and staying with friends while we are there.

I just got myself a job at the Mr Mikes in Duncan as a server to fill my "extra time" in between weddings, and I am actually looking forward to being in the serving industry again. I hope to work there super part time, just to get out and meet new people and have fun! My mind goes a little crazy when I am always stuck in the office preparing my own schedule and not being disciplined enough to set apart time for work and time for play. It gets a bit tiring actually. Oddly enough, I think getting out of the house and working with an actual schedule will force me to work with a schedule at home. Ha- or just keep me really busy and drive me crazy. I will keep you posted on that one ;)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I love checking here and seeing something NEW!!!
    I think you should make a blog just about YOU! A blog where you don't have to worry about having the perfect pictures-you know, something that isn't work just what you have been up too. I LOVE hearing about your life! I live vicariously through you! LOVE!


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