Monday, May 17, 2010

The Crofton folk

Mike and I love our new little town, and our close community of friends. Close as in - we all live within 3 blocks of each other! Yes, we are close in other ways too ;)

Let me introduce some people that we are enjoying spending our time with! Our community of friends isn't complete just yet - we are still waiting for Kim, Jamie, and Penny to move to small town Crofton too! We can't wait to have more Kitchen's in Crofton!!

Dave, Liam, and of course my Mike.

You will notice that Tara's husband Kevin is missing - he is still naive enough to think that I won't be able to get sneaky shots of him. HA! Does he know who he's dealing with?

Tara, Anna-lise, and Barb

The lovely Sonia.

This isn't the most flattering photo of little sunny, but lets be honest I was having too much fun eating tacos and sippin' drinks to take "professional" photos. Ha! I will post better photos in the future I promise. :)

Saturday was Liam's second birthday party. Liam is a huge fan of all things dinosaur. I don't think the guest knew that...

The Dino on the right is the gift that Mike and I had so much fun picking at Toys r us...

This is Liam's cousin Isaiah - I just love his red hair!


  1. YAY! I love seeing posts like this, just regular stuff posts! You should put up pictures of your house! Look at me being so bossy...I'll be seeing it in just over a month anyways...WOOHOO!

  2. Haha - sorry Kimmy! I will eventually. We are switching the rooms around, and still decorating! I will take photos when everything is perfect. Can you saaaayyyy perfectionist? Lol!

  3. Ashley! WOW you are an amazing photographer all of your photo's are so beautiful and really capture awesome moments!! and you were right in the email....i definetely want all of the photo's I love them all! Hey do you guys do family shots as well?!?


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