Thursday, August 13, 2009


Haha... Okay a little dramatic but SERIOUSLY! I feel like I've been cut off from social networking!!

Yesterday, I went about my day as usual. Sat at my computer to edit photos, checked for new emails, new twitter updates... then THEN I logged into my facebook account as I do about 5 times on a regular day. To my surprise I found that Facebook had disabled my account. Disabled MY account!

Not being able to take advantage of this free service is absolutely driving me crazy. It's not that I can't live without Facebook for a few days (I think) but it's the fact that I can't even if I wanted to. Geesh.

I signed up thinking, Oh just another online service that I'm going to enjoy for a couple of months and soon enough I'll be bored of it and find something new to do with my time. Not this time! Nuh uh! I have connected with over 500 different people that I have met throughout my lifetime.
Most of them friends, some of them people that I have gotten to know, some of them that are just enjoyable enough to follow. It's fun to know what everyone is up to! And of course the biggest one for me- PICTURES! I love seeing everyone's photos. I am always looking at albums and checking in on friendly smiley faces. I have a TON of albums myself, and Facebook has even become a place an easy place for me to enjoy my own collection of photos from the last 3? years.

I'm still not entirely sure why they decided to enable my account- I wrote an email to the peeps at Facebook yesterday asking for my account back and asking for an explanation...

This is the message that pops up when I try to sign into my account

Your account was disabled because you violated Facebook’s Terms of Use, to which you agreed when you first registered for an account on the site. Accounts can either be disabled for repeat offenses or for one, particularly egregious violation.

Facebook does not allow users to register with fake names, to impersonate any person or entity, or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent themselves or their affiliations.

We do not allow users to send unsolicited or harassing messages to people they don’t know, and we remove posts that advertise a product, service, website, or opportunity.

Our Code of Conduct outlines the types of content we do not allow on the site. This includes any obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit photos, as well as any photos that depict graphic violence. We also remove content, photo or written, that threatens, intimidates, harasses, or brings unwanted attention or embarrassment to an individual or group of people.

I can only guess that the line that I've highlighted is the reason for my account to be shut down. Every time I post a new blog post on the SNAP blog I update my twitter which updates my facebook which provides a link to our photography blog.
If you click on the terms of use link you will see nothing quite as clearly written as the above statement. The only thing I could find on the terms of use page was
"You will not send or otherwise post unauthorized commercial communications to users (such as spam)."
Ich! Am I a spammer? Sorry facebook friends (or ex-facebook friends? I'm not sure)
ANYWAYS... apparently that was all facebook needed to boot me off. I have a lot of photographer friends on my facebook, and they seem to all be doing the same so BE CAREFUL!!
Ashley (the excommunicatee )


  1. Such an unbelievable bummer, Ash. I will miss seeing your smily face on there but I guess it just means we'll have to find new ways to connect and stay updated on each others' lives (other than just our blogs). I'm totally on Team Ashley with this one. xo

  2. Haha... thanks Keira! I hope that they will give me back my account, and if not I might just start myself a new one! I'll miss all of my photos though! I might have to upload a bunch of old ones just for that reason! I was thinking that it's kind of a wake up call too though- I depend on facebook SO much to keep connected with people. It's just so easy! It true also that all my recent updates have been photography, photography, photography I sort of forget sometimes to remember to have a life in the middle of this wedding chaos!

    Love you my favorite Vancouver-ite!!

  3. Ashies I feel for you. It sucks not having you on facebook. Hoping it will right itself soon and you will be back on :)


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