Wednesday, May 27, 2009

California Dreamin'

Photo by Patrick on Flickr

I know I know... my blog has been fairly boooring lately! Mike and I have been really busy with Weddings, and I just haven't had the time to take photos outside of weddings, weddings, weddings! Soon though I'm sure I will have tons of photos that I'll want to share... Mike and I decided just a couple weeks ago that we are going to California! ON SUNDAY!! Totally quick last minute decision, but I think that makes it even more exciting.

Our tent and sleeping bags are all set up in our living room "airing out," although they really haven't been used a whole lot since we bought them last year!! Our intentions were to camp ALOT last summer, but it was just impossible with having to work friday/saturday evenings. If you don't show up to the first come first serve campgrounds in kananaskis/calgary area before thursday afternoon you are out of luck! Any campground in the area that takes reservations have already taken their reservations for the year. It's insane-at least in my own experience.

Mike and I wanted to camp so bad one weekend that we drove for 4 hours into kananaskis country stopping at campsite after campsite just to hear that they were full and so were all of the overflows. We finally found one overflow towards the end of our drive, but it was basically a gravel parking lot. At the time I was so desperate to pull out our tent and camp that I was trying to talk Mike into it! Minutes later we saw a caution bears in the area notice AND a fox cross the road. Pretty cool...but pretty scary too. We didn't end up camping once last year.

We are shooting a wedding on Saturday at "The Fort." Here in Calgary and then Sunday we are planning to drive south. We don't have our route planned out quite yet, but we did get ourselves tons of maps and a AMA membership! I still want to take the coastal route, but it will take us quite a bit of extra time. We are hoping that we have better luck with campsites in the states because we have all of our gear good and ready to go!

Not a ton is planned for us in Cali... we are trying to do things fairly inexpensively. The plan is to sit on multiple beautiful beaches and to edit photos and drink plenty of delicious Califonia wine. We have a few favorite vineyards mapped out that we are planning on visiting. SO exciting.

If anyone has any ideas/tips for our travels/camping/to do/see please let us know!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay I have the most perfect plan:

    1) When you leave Calgary head east and drive for, oh, about 13 hours
    2) You will end up in a city called Winnipeg
    3) I will be waiting there for you
    4) Then the three of us go to California!!!

    The pro's to having me with you:

    1) All the winery stops you want because you'll have a designated driver
    2) The thrill of a baby possibly wanting to be born, and if there are no hospitals...we get creative...yikes
    3) I love you both way too much!

    Yay-how fun! you guys need a fun trip! I highly suggest going along the coast-well the Oregon beautiful! I'm so pumped for you, when will you get back to Calgary...because I want to come to you!


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