Monday, April 13, 2009

Victoria and Sunny Vancouver

One of my all time favorite places to go for dinner in Victoria is the Med Grill. Everytime we visit the island we seem to go there... it's become sort of a tradition.

THIS visit we called all of the Victoria girls and had ourselves a girls night out. It's always great to see everyone, and even if it's been years for some of us it's still just as natural to hang out. I love that.

Giggles with Catherine

Dominique and Catherine

Kim and Megan

Bathroom's make for the best photo shoots. I think this is also going to become a tradition. Kim and Julie being cute.

Right after yet another delicious dinner at the Med Grill, my wonderful husband Mike came to chauffeur a few of us around. Thank-you Mike! We were all headed in separate directions for the weekend... and my next stop was at Miss Dyck's home.

I'm not sure if most of you know... but Emily is a part time shark... or at least she wishes she were. Emily is sporting a beautiful Shark designer towel poncho. Haha... Emily's boyfriend Thomas knows how much Emily loves sharks, and bought her this towel for her birthday. I think she likes it...

After a night of hanging out eating cookies and drinking belgium beer... Emily, Thomas and I were all headed to Vancouver for the weekend.

Emily and Thomas on the ferry on our way to Vancouver.

Again parting ways... this time I was headed to see a certain favorite blonde of mine! Miss Keira Anne!

This is one of our favorite spots to visit together. Cupcakes. What could be better? These cupcakes are AMAZING and one will cure a chocolate craving for the weekend.

Our weekend was all about being resourceful and creative with our money. After putting April's budget into a down payment on a new car, Mike and I have been budgeting geniuses!

Instead of going out for dinner and drink's like we usually would... Keira and I decided to go for some uber-cheap delicious Japanese food (about $10 for more than you can eat!) and bought ourselves a bottle of gin to make martini's with at home.

Keira had just moved into a new beautiful appartment and since I was her first official guest, it was quite important that we had the ultimate girly night. Then again... they always are. We watched the Sex and the City movie which was a bit of an upgrade from our usual martini/sex and the city nights... but it was just like the good ol' times. We may have indulged just a bit too much on candy, cupcakes, and gin...

We woke up late on Saturday to a gorgeous sunny day. There is just something about my Keira visits where it is ALWAYS sunny. It was exactly what I had hoped for when I was packing for my west coast trip.

Keira's friend and neighbor Nick had just got a puppy that Keira was dying to show me! The puppy's name made me laugh but it was actually totally fitting once I met the little guy.

This is Digital Thunder. He is a licking/biting machine! He is in that puppy stage where he just couldn't keep still. He was so adorable though...

This was basically the one moment that he stood still and looked at the camera. Awww.

Granville island...

while deciding what to have for lunch we bumped into a certain somebody... she managed to convince me to get a smokey for lunch. Mmmm...
Enjoying some warm sunny weather by the Ocean

We had ourselves some fun that evening at Tania's birthday at Earls in Yaletown... and then early the next morning I got on the Ladner Express to board the BC ferries.
Back to the island to see my hubby and the rest of the family.


  1. Awww so much fun! I am going to steal your pictures! I can't wait for our next adventure this summer... and I know for certain that the sun will shine. I think your smile brings it out of the clouds. I love you, Ashleydoodle.

  2. Steal away! I will be putting them up on my *new* flickr account soon!

  3. pooface love the pics!
    you daaaamn hot.
    ps shark suit was not bought.. but MADE by thomas' mom. eveeeen better.

  4. OMG - My George has the same little hippo Digital Thunder has! (yes, I was a little confused by the moniker, as well :P)

    Thanks again for making it out to my belated birthday party - you ladies helped make it a very happy evening for me ... sooo great to meet you while you were in town! :D

  5. Wow! Thomas' mom has some major talent! Make sure you give her my ou's and ah's!

    Tania! It was great meeting you as well! I wish I had brought my camera to dinner, I think we would have got some really fun shots :) I will be back to the West Coast in August so hopefully we'll cross paths again then!

  6. wow great pics! You know how to jam pack a coast trip! You guys make me crave the coastal/city life...


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