Sunday, April 19, 2009

A day in Victoria

On one of the last days of our trip...
My sister, Mike and I headed up to Victoria in hopes for a sunny day by the ocean.  I had been looking forward to having some noodle box for some time as well.  Instead of going to Sombrio Beach which we had originally planned to do... we ended up walking around downtown and along the harbor which is always beautiful and refreshing!

By the time we got to my favorite lunch spot, it was +23!!  We managed to find ourselves a hot sunny spot for our boxes of delish noodles in front of the bubble tea shop in china town.  I think that this may have been my favorite day of the entire trip!  Mostly because I had been craving sunshine like that since LAST SUMMER!  It was amazing... I even got my first sunburn of the year.

Mike is hanging out in the garden's at the Empress...

One of the Alley's was graffiti'd with style...

I love this one.


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I really really wanted to go to the beach at one point, so we did manage to make it out to Gyro Beach in Cadboro Bay.  I couldn't believe how packed it was!  Apparently everyone is as desperate for summer as I was (am).  There were girls in bathing suits tanning, people in shorts playing frisbee... it was like stepping into another world!!  

My sister and I playing with the camera...

After hanging out at the beach and getting sand everywhere we went for a little exploration cruise.  Here's a picture I snapped so that you can see our new car!!  The reflection of the car is sort of fun,  the car is quite a bit darker than what it shows here. It's "Barret Blue."

I was a bit unsure of getting a station wagon, but I really like this one.  It's totally comfortable inside the seats are awesome!!  We got the wagon so that we can store all of our photog stuff in the back. The seats lay flat which is very convenient for us!

My barefoot boy...


We met this adorable dog on our exploration... he hast to be one of the nicest dogs I've met!  He is a Bernese Mountain Dog.  Perhaps one day Mike and I would consider a dog like this.  For now two kitties are all we need. :)

This chair was just posed at the top of the hill!  Miss Emily Dyck always takes funky pictures at this spot, and it was cool to just randomly come across it!  The view was spectacular!  

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Mike and I are hoping that we can start developing a client base in Victoria so that we can make a slow transition/move to the island in a couple of years!  We have so many different ideas/dreams for our lives so it's hard to say where we will actually end up!  The island was beautiful and we can totally picture ourselves there.


  1. yyyeaahh! I almost felt bad taking photo's because it's YOUR chair!! Haha... but glad I did so that I can remember how amazing it felt sitting there and catching the view.
    Also framed the photos and put them by my bed :) I want to be an island girl again Em!!

  2. pooface the island wants you as its girl.....come back to meeee

  3. the blue chair, em dyck and noodle box....some of my fave things about victoria....all in one blog! Great pics Ash!

  4. ps....i linked you on my blog....hope thats ok:)


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