Monday, October 4, 2010


Traveling back and forth between Calgary and Vancouver Island certainly has its perks. As soon as Vancouver Island seems too small and we feel like "getting away" it's time, once again to head to Calgary for photo sessions. Seeing our friends and family here in Calgary is just that much better now that it is more rare, and more planned. It sort of seems like we see all of our Calgary friends just as often, but now we plan to get together on purpose and it just seems to be more fun.

On Sunday we had an early thanksgiving get together at Walt&Elaine Wiens' home! They made the most delicious meal EVER... Turkey, homemade perogies, sweet potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin AND apple pie... Mmmm... I could *so* go for round two right about now.

"Boston" the Boston Terrier was in attendance...

Shannon gets all the credit for the homemade perogies... two varieties! They were delicious Shan!

Walt and Elaine's beautiful home...

Daniel Wiens was also in attendance... don't worry, he hasn't passed away or anything, he just lives in Victoria now and his photo tends to make it's way to the table at these "family" get togethers.

The Group minus Ma&Pa Wiens...

We couldn't resist picking up this little treasure at the grocery store...

Harley was there too...

Some sisterly love...

I couldn't resist this mini mother/daughter photo shoot - they matched!


  1. Come. Home. NooooooooooW! We must thanks-give with you!
    Sniff, and we miss you!

  2. The house is very beautiful.the dinner setting is amazing. I really enjoy.

  3. Wah! This picture was very amazing and looking for very beautiful. Thanks sharing.


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