Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Mike and I have had a crazy spontaneous AMAZING adventure traveling through Idaho, Oregon,  and of course the lovely California!  I won't tell you much about it quite yet... because believe me there are ALOT to stories to share, and still tons of adventures to create yet.  We have met many lovely Americans and haven't had any schedule, plan or time restraint!  I feel that we have been blessed so much by this!  There are so many things that we have seen and experienced that we might have never come across otherwise!  

Right now Mike and I are sitting in the Firefly Coffee House in Santa Cruz just a block from the beautiful stretch of sandy beach.  It's a bit overcast right now otherwise we'd be basking in the salty waves!  We are really REALLY excited because in about an hour we will be going back to "Old School Shoes" on Pacific Avenue to pick up some custom painted shoes that are being painted while I type!  I'm not telling what it is we're getting done... but you will certainly get to check them out once we have them! I can't wait to have our canvas shoe art photographed on our very own feet!  The photos are by the artist that we met, Nick-he works at Old School.

We are headed to Reno tonight.  I know... random.




  1. Love it! I am so pumped for you guys. Yea for randomness! Love you!

  2. Ah sounds like so much fun. That's what me and Jamie did when we were in Hawaii-no plans just see what happens, best time ever. I love those shoes I can't wait to see what your look like!!!! Keep adventuring I can't wait to hear everything!


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